Hobby Farm Journal - 4-25-15

These little Swedish Flower Hen chicks went home yesterday!
Those three darker chicks may be from "Kevin", while the others may be from "Little Man".

The baby rabbits are growing so fast, and I love their markings!

Surprise! This other doe rabbit gave birth also to 9 total,
but three were separate from the others, larger and dead.
Perhaps she was bred on two separate days, and the first three
were still-born.

Lydia and her chicks now have the "run" of the PA coop during the day
while the rest of the chickens can still fly in to lay their eggs.

"Rainbow" and her chicks, both ones she hatched under her and incubator chicks she adopted
are all doing well, but she certainly has her wings full trying to keep them all warm!
I added some rabbit cage wire, as the chicks were slipping through the chicken wire.
But, that didn't stop "Joshua" from trying to call his hens over, thinking the chick's food was for them!
I added a light to extra warmth and so the chicks could eat 24/7.
Here Rainbow is teaching them where the food is located.

 Then, I fixed up last year's "meaties coop", so that the roof is now hinged.
It's so much easier to clean and access than before.
 4-26 afternoon was "moving day" for the oldest cockerels,
 The "shed brooder" was getting quite crowed with all those
little cockerels, since the first three hatches were all together.
