Flashback to Two Years Ago: Daisy's Last Brood of Chicks
As I was looking back over my blog post archives, I thought this one worth highlighting again, after making a few updates and edits.
My oldest hen is "Daisy", who is a white Easter Egger who I bought from a hatchery in April 2011. She holds a special place in my heart, even though her egg laying days are over. Why? She was my first hen to go broody in 2012, and hatched 3 chicks, one of which became "Michael Jessie", who is also still living with the flock and sired chicks during the summer of 2016. Both Daisy and Michael Jessie are very inspirational in starting my interest in hatching chicks, and mark the starting point of what became the Catskill Homesteader Chickens.
Olive & Daisy's chicks - Hatched between Oct 9 - 12th, 2014
After a few days, it became obvious these two hens would not "co-raise" the chicks, so I let Daisy keep the chicks & relieved Olive of her duty.
They seemed to be adjusting ok, and
they grew despite what I'd call "ideal conditions".
It was getting cold at night, and only at certain times
of the day did they have the benefit of sunshine shining directly inside their little coop.
From all previous experience, I should have know
I was asking for trouble.
Several of the chicks failed to thrive.
She was wrong, as I found 2 chicks frozen in the morning. :( It's always sad to see that, even though it's "part of life" when raising animals, especially chicks this late in the year and given the other factors.
Now, I only had two "survivors" left.
One was white with a muff & single comb, who I originally thought was a male, but didn't have a pink comb at 8wks old. The other was a black/brown/blonde EEx who I thought was female early on, due to coloring.
Those two little survivors thrived and soon began to fly up onto the roost (probably 2.5-3ft off the ground) to sleep under Daisy at night. They'd cheep and crawl under her to get warm - so cute!
Meanwhile, Daisy was took the opportunity to molt, so she'll look all fresh and clean for spring 2015!
These two chicks grew up to be both hens, and earned names because of their unique "chick-hood".
And as I finish writing & editing this post, 2 years after I originally posted it, I'm happy to say that both of these hens are alive and well. I'm sure they've been mothers of some chicks, and have proved themselves to be true Catskill Homesteader Chickens.
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