1st Hatch of 2015 Update #1

Candled again yesterday, and 8 of the eggs have veins, one I'm not sure about but it's darker than the clear ones.
There was one that was quite active, as I could see the embryo pulsing and moving around - so cool!

There's a few more I'll wait to remove, but yesterday, I was able to replace some of the clear eggs with freshly laid eggs that are more likely to be fertilized.
I also checked some of the eggs that were more recent in the fridge, and many of them had bull's eyes.
The one "good thing" about many of the first batch of eggs being infertile is that I won't need as long of a waiting period for the eggs to be "pure".

It'll be "warm" today at 34*, but I won't be home during the time they're laying. Hopefully there's be a few more from today that I can set.
Only have a few days left, then I can't add any more, so the incubator will by empty by 3/14 for the Easter HAL.
