1/21/16 - A Day in the Life: Photographic Journey
through Winter Chores at Paradise in Disguise Hobby Farm
In the 45 days since I last posted here on my blog, winter has officially arrived.
This past week (1-17 to 1-22), it hasn't gotten above 30*F, and we've had light snow flurries on almost a daily basis. This makes daily "critter chores", as I call them, more of a challenge than in the summer months. The garden hose is frozen, so I fill up 2 water buckets in the shower. Even though I have 4 heated water bowls, they need to be topped off, plus the rooster's and main flock's water rubber dishes need to be filled. But before I can go outside, I put on snow pants, coat, gloves and/or mittens, and heavy winter boots. Because last weekend, it did get above freezing, the snow started to melt, then re-froze, coating all the high-traffic paths with ice! Therefore, I have to wear ice cleats or else I would have fallen many times. The winter mode of transport for all these buckets is a sled, yet I still have to be careful to not spill them due to the downhill slope leading to the main entrance gate. Thursday morning, I also had a bucket of bread & muffins for the flock, and a gallon jug of water for the chicks. It was too top-heavy, and spilled twice.
Join me in this photographic journey of 1-21-16, starting with the spilling of the bread bucket.
For the first time in several days, the sun shone & the blue sky was visible! |
The ducks refuse to go inside their "coop" at night; instead they sleep UNDER the PA coop! Crazy ducks, but maybe it's because it's much warmer under there. And once they go under the coop, there's no way to get them out. So, the ducks always "greet" me in the morning, waiting for their food and water. |
The ducks get first dibs on the food scraps, their favorite being the rice. |
The chickens inside the PA coop anxiously waiting for me to open their door! |
Racing to the food scraps and water ... |
Now, I head past the round bales to the DC Coop ... |
When I open the door to the DC Coop, they first look out & inspect what's outside. They're obviously not as eager to come out in the cold 10*F morning! |
But, they decide it's worth it, and 3 young pullets take the "plunge"! Although, the "Mini Flower" girl looks like she's having second thoughts. :) |
Just around the corner ... |
... Is where everyone knows the foods scraps and water bowls are. Even "Thumper" our resident rabbit joins them. |
Two of the younger Swedish Flower Hen pullets |
These chickens have their "leggins" on to help keep them warm! The smallest one is a pure bantam Cochin, while the other two are 1/2 bantam Cochin, 1/2 Swedish Flower Hen - which I refer to as the "Mini Flowers". That rooster might be small, but he's very spunky & lively, not to mention, quite handsome. |
The "whole gang" enjoying their mid-morning snacks - the "main flock" from the PA/DC Coops. |
The Rooster Coop aka Bachelor Pad |
The two young turkey jennies |
The turkey coop - where Mr. Jake displays to his girls all day long! |
Not the clearest photo, but this SFH crested pullet has recently gotten a big, red comb. So, she's either on the verge of laying or already has. She's one of the chicks that "Confetti" the bantam Cochin raised during the summer. |
The Brooder where "Elly May" and her 57 chicks are keeping nice and toasty. |
I can't figure why little chicks think being inside the bucket feeder is a good idea. They crawl through the hole near the base & once inside there, the hole closes up & they're stuck! Thankfully, all 3 "crazy chicks" have survived the multiple times it's happened. |
"Whatcha' Looking At?" Quite a few of the chicks are curious about the camera, which I have a theory that these "outgoing" chicks are roosters. I'm going to make a list of those that repeatably display this behavior & see if it proves true. I know it has with some of the chicks I've raised, that's for sure! |
The surrogate mom "Elly May" and some of her 1 week old chicks |
And that didn't include photos of Bielefelder & SFH Coops this time, yet they still need their food and water every day. But, it's worth it, and I certainly enjoy taking photos whenever possible.
That's all Folks!
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